
I was running as a user.  NOT root.

#cat /etc/fstab

/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00        /               ext3            defaults
1 1
LABEL=/boot                             /boot           ext3
defaults                1 2
tempfs                          /dev/shm        tmpfs           defaults
0 0
devpts                          /dev/pts        devpts  gid=5,mode=620
0 0
sysfs                                   /sys            sysfs
defaults                0 0
proc                                    /proc           proc
defaults                0 0
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01        swap            swap            defaults
0 0
/dev/lvol1/data                 /data           ext3            defaults
1 2 

There maybe a typo in there, I had to copy it from one screen to

I have a new disk that is used to create the /data directory.  I will
have my bladeserver os image and other stuff there.  It appears I can
access /data and its contents.  I cannot access /var.

How do I figure out what drive has what on it?
sda, sdb, etc.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill McGonigle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 1:48 PM
To: Labitt, Bruce
Cc: GNHLUG Group
Subject: Re: System Recovery

On Jul 15, 2008, at 11:01, John Abreau wrote:

> It sounds like the filesystem is thoroughly hosed. Based on the  
> symptoms
> you describe, my first guess would be that you mistakenly pointed  
> K3b at
> your hard drive instead of the DVD drive.

Bruce, were you running k3b as root?  We can save the scolding for  
later, but it would help to know what k3b could have conceivably  
done.  e.g. If you were running as a normal user k3b couldn't have  
written to your /var partition, under normal circumstances.

Also, dump your /etc/fstab up here to verify.


Bill McGonigle, Owner           Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC              Home: 603.448.1668
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               Cell: 603.252.2606    Page: 603.442.1833

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