On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Labitt, Bruce
> I was running as a user.  NOT root.


  Though, come to think of it, aren't some disc-recording types of
programs normally installed SUID root?

> There maybe a typo in there, I had to copy it from one screen to
> another.

  For future reference, the only really important columns for this
sort of thing are the first two, which specify the device and
mount-point, respectively.  Also, you can omitting virtual filesystems
(proc, tmpfs, sysfs, etc.).  So the short version is:

LABEL=/boot                      /boot
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00         /
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01         swap
/dev/lvol1/data                  /data

  That tells us you're using LVM, and that your /boot filesystem
partition was being mounted via label.  Unfortunately, that doesn't
tell us anything about what's stored where.

  How many physical hard disk drives are part of this system?  Are
there any hardware RAID controllers or such in use?

> It appears I can access /data and its contents.

  Appearances can be deceiving.  Have you run fsck against
/dev/lvol1/data yet?  (Even that is far from perfect; if something
scrambled just the contents of file data blocks but left the
filesystem metadata structures intact, fsck won't see anything wrong.
But best to start somewhere.)

> How do I figure out what drive has what on it?
> sda, sdb, etc.

  "fdisk -l /dev/sda" will show the partition table on the "sda" disk.
 Run that command as needed for all the disks in the system.

  "sda" will be the first SCSI, SATA, or other non-IDE device.  The
second would be "sdb", the third "sdc", and so on.  IDE disks are
"hda", "hdb", etc., instead.

  "pvs" and "lvs" will show you the physical and logical volumes LVM
knows about.

-- Ben
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