Seven attendees made it to the July 2008 meeting of the Python Special 
Interest Group, despite the heavy rains. Due to some last-minute 
conflicts, our planned speaker, Ray Côté, had to take a rain check for a 
future meeting, but cookies were made and we resolutely carried on.

There were two first-time attendees, one with a novice level of 
knowledge of Python and the second very little. Lead by the PySIG 
leader, Bill Sconce, we launched into an improvised session introducing 
Python and talking about its power, range and flexibility, comparing it 
with other languages, heckling Ben Scott, demonstrating several IDEs, 
talking about procedural scripting and object-oriented programming, 
showing off some working code, migrating database applications from 
proprietary platforms, and much, much more. A good time was had by all.

Great thanks to Janet for a delightful variety of cookies, to Bill for 
not only running the meeting and providing the projector but also 
bringing the milk, to all for participating, and to the Amoskeag 
Business Incubator for providing the fine facilities.


Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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