Banrisul is the name of the bank.  Here is their URL:

It is a bank of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, the state where the FISL
conference (  - 7000 chanting,
screaming free software people attending) is held.

says that it was the first bank in the world to use the Linux Operating
System in an ATM (and I did not make that entry).  I have pictures of
the ATM machine, with the Tux penguin on the front.  I will send them to
you privately so I do not clog up people's email.

I also have several instances of Linux being used in Lottery systems,
both the terminals and the server systems.


Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557       Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.

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Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)

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