Hello everyone!  I wanted to pose this question to everyone as I wasn't sure
the best way to proceed.  I have a few machines here at work (development,
testing and Production machines) that need to be upgraded to the latest
version of Fedora (FC9).  The machines are all presently running FC6.

I am basically wondering what the best way to go about upgrading these
machines would be considering they are a few versions behind?  I don't want
to assume that going directly from FC6 to FC9 is the best course when I
don't know for sure.  Any guidance you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Also, at present, none of the machines have a monitor hooked up as they are
in a rack in a server room.  All work is done remotely on these machines,
but I do have physical access to them if need be.

Thank you for your time and any help given.

Best regards,

Jeff Kirkland
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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