[Standard Disclaimer: Unless explicitly otherwise indicated, I speak
only for myself.]

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Jim Kuzdrall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Who  : Máirín Duffy, Interaction Designer, Red Hat Engineering
> What : Techniques for creating and adjusting photos

  I was lucky enough to attend Máirín's last presentation.  *Very*
cool stuff.  I highly recommend attending, even if one doesn't
normally "do Linux".  GIMP and InkScape run on Windows, too.  Tell
your friends.  Tell your enemies.  Notes from last year:



  In the past, there has been discussion about recording audio/video
of presentations (for posting on the web site).  I know it's short
notice, but I think this would be an ideal opportunity to give that a
shot.  Can I call upon people to volunteer themselves and/or their
equipment for this?

  In particular, it would be really good if someone could bring a
decent quality video camera/recorder.  (By "decent" I just mean "home
movie".  Better than "cell phone" or "$99 web cam" is what I'm after.)

  I've got a half-decent wireless handheld microphone I can bring, and
I should be able to finagle a mic stand.  Unless someone has a lapel
mic they want to volunteer.  I can also bring the PA it normally plugs

  Reasons I'm thinking of doing this now:

R1. The subject matter is outside GNHLUG's more typical techie/geek
stuff.  Rare things warant being preserved.
R2. We had even shorter notice than usual for the topic, so less time
for people to plan their schedules.
R3. The subject matter is something likely to be useful to people
outside of GNHLUG's usual attendance.  I'd like to be able to bring it
to them, since they likely won't be coming.  (Related to R1.)


-- Ben

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