On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Standard Disclaimer: Unless explicitly otherwise indicated, I speak
> only for myself.]
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Jim Kuzdrall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Who  : Máirín Duffy, Interaction Designer, Red Hat Engineering
>> What : Techniques for creating and adjusting photos
>  I was lucky enough to attend Máirín's last presentation.  *Very*
> cool stuff.  I highly recommend attending, even if one doesn't
> normally "do Linux".  GIMP and InkScape run on Windows, too.  Tell
> your friends.  Tell your enemies.  Notes from last year:
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.linux.gnhlug/10343
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.linux.gnhlug/10383
>  In the past, there has been discussion about recording audio/video
> of presentations (for posting on the web site).  I know it's short
> notice, but I think this would be an ideal opportunity to give that a
> shot.  Can I call upon people to volunteer themselves and/or their
> equipment for this?
>  In particular, it would be really good if someone could bring a
> decent quality video camera/recorder.  (By "decent" I just mean "home
> movie".  Better than "cell phone" or "$99 web cam" is what I'm after.)

I can't make it, and was thinking the same thing.  ("Why don't we do
video casts?")  I was at Máirín's last presentation and would like to
see this one.

I actually have a "flip video" video camera that is consumer quality.
I would argue for posting a YouTube type of video, it is very
passable.  You can record -> upload/done.  That plus a tripod will get
you by for video blogging

>  I've got a half-decent wireless handheld microphone I can bring, and
> I should be able to finagle a mic stand.  Unless someone has a lapel
> mic they want to volunteer.  I can also bring the PA it normally plugs
> into.

Of course the better the equipment setup and effort expended, the
better the results.

>  Reasons I'm thinking of doing this now:
> R1. The subject matter is outside GNHLUG's more typical techie/geek
> stuff.  Rare things warant being preserved.
> R2. We had even shorter notice than usual for the topic, so less time
> for people to plan their schedules.
> R3. The subject matter is something likely to be useful to people
> outside of GNHLUG's usual attendance.  I'd like to be able to bring it
> to them, since they likely won't be coming.  (Related to R1.)
>  advTHANKSance
> -- Ben
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