DISCLAIMER: As usual, I speak only for myself.

  Some additional points not touched on already:

(1) IIRC, all you need to register on Facebook is an email address and
a name.  You're not obligated to give them any more information than
that.  So if you'd like to register with Facebook for whatever reason,
but you're worried about your privacy, simply don't enter anything
more than the bare minimum.

(1)(a) People who enter more than the bare minimum into Facebook do so
(presumably) because they find value in it.  If they consider targeted
advertisements to be an acceptable trade-off, I don't think it's
anyone else's right to tell them otherwise.

(2) GNHLUG exists in at least two ways.

(2)(a) One is the legal entity registered with the State of NH, which
exists mainly for certain legal protections, and has little to do with
what most people think of "GNHLUG" as.  The only "business" that
GNHLUG *ever* conducts is that voted on by the Board of Directors at
the Bored Meetings.

(2)(b) The other GNHLUG is the vague federation of people whose
interests have an intersection with Linux/FOSS and NH.  Members of
this GNHLUG are members because they say they are.  This GNHLUG exists
because the members say it does.  This GNHLUG has no legal status, but
it's the one that really matters.  Members of this GNHLUG can conduct
business however they see fit, and other members can participate, or
not, at their option.

  Free Software is about freedom.  Free people don't always agree.
That's what makes them free.

-- Ben
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