Alan Johnson wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Lloyd Kvam <
> <>> wrote:
>     is a local product that is worth considering.
> I looked at Internapper years ago when I was running a Wireless ISP and
> it looks very nice at the time.  Still, I also suggest you take a hard
> look at OpenNMS.  It has the power or HP Openview, without the price,
> but with some, but not all, of the setup headaches.  Compare Intermapper
> pricing to have the OpenNMS commercial support help you set it up.

I worked with Alan part of that time including the roll-out of
InterMapper.  I'll second his positive review.  I found it incredibly
easy to install and run.

I have worked with Nagios before and while a good system, I found it a
little clunky at the time, though it may have improved since then.

While I don't have much first-hand experience with OpenNMS (I only
played around with their online demo a couple years ago), I've heard
many network ops people rave about how well designed it is.

I'd say definitely look into both OpenNMS and InterMapper and evaluate
which one fits your needs best.


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