For anyone that is remotely interested, here is the big picture for the 
problem I'm trying to solve.  If you are not interested, hey delete the 
post.  Won't irritate me in the least!

What I'm trying to do:  Optimizer for a radar power spectral density problem

Problem:  FFTs required in optimization loop take too long on current 
workstation for the optimizer to even be viable. 

Attempted solution:  FFT engine on remote server to reduce overall 
execution time

Builds client - server app implementing above solution.  Server uses 
OpenMP and FFTW to exploit all cores.

Asks dumb questions to list regarding binary data transport.  Most say 
don't do it.  Out of need, keeps on looking.

Finds examples of binary packing in Beej's online book.  Parts don't work.
Questions to Beej Jorgensen Hall "Beej's Guide to Network Programming":  
How does your example program in your book work?  It fails to work on my 
platform.  Can it be extended to include other data types?  How can we 
make this more robust...  Beej and I improve code.  Interesting 

Implements better binary packing unpacking in code.  Stuff works

Nit in solution:  TCP transport time >> FFT execution time, rendering 
attempted solution non-viable

Researches TCP optimization: Reads countless papers on tcp optimization 
techniques... Fails to find a robust solutions or methodology for 
problem.  Tries most techniques written in papers, only realizing a 10% 
gain.  Not good enough.  Still needs to be faster

Driven to more exotic techniques to reduce transport time.  Explores 
parallel sockets, other techniques

Questions to List:  Trying to understand programming techniques used in 
parallel socket implementations, wayback machine, general C++ questions, 
probably other dumb questions as well. 

Receives some helpful information, appreciates it

Concludes that parallel sockets project was written to pass a university 
course and get published, since it is incomplete.  Author was successful 
in getting published, however, project still doesn't work completely.  
Insufficient information or time for me to finish someone else's 
abandoned project which may or may not be viable.

Looks for other more robust solutions for transport.  Finds UDT 
project.  UDT seems to work and can be built on multiple platforms.  
Test program transports data across my network using 65% of network 
capacity, using default options.  Looks promising.  Puzzles about how to 
implement in existing code base.  

Saga continues...

Hey, that is my bigger picture...  Any and all suggestions are 
appreciated.  Undoubtedly, a few dumb questions will follow.  I appear 
to be good at it.  :P  Maybe this context will help list subscribers 
frame their answers if they have any, or ask insightful questions.


Hopefully this explanation is factual and without attitude.
Have a nice weekend, it is looking better and better!
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