Tom Buskey wrote:
> IBM was working on a Cell on a card to plug into a motherboard for use
> in supercomputer clusters.  Much like nvidea's tesla gpu cards.
Fixstars, formerly known as terrasoftsolutions has an equivalent item
If this was around when I started, it would have been good.  However, 
for the moment I am stuck with

If I had the high speed link, I'd be golden.  Right now, I don't have 
the budget for it.  So back to the slow 1Gb network stuff... :(
> On 10/11/09, Jim Kuzdrall <> wrote:
>> Greetings Bruce,
>>     Interesting and challenging project!
>> On Saturday 10 October 2009 15:20, Bruce Labitt wrote:
>>> For anyone that is remotely interested, here is the big picture for
>>> the problem I'm trying to solve.  If you are not interested, hey
>>> delete the post.  Won't irritate me in the least!
>>     If you just transferred the data (no framing or error checking), how
>> many bits per second must you transfer to keep up with the FFT data
>> production?
>>     Did you explore adding a dedicated FFT card to your control
>> computer?   The algorithms they build into the hardware are much, much
>> faster than compiled software.  The local board would keep the data in
>> your control computer - with DMA, I assume - eliminating the transfer
>> problem.
>>     I know a fellow who now works for Apple whose job is to optimize FFT
>> algorithms to the processor they use.  Assembly language, of course.
>> Why is Apple interested?  Faster FFT, faster MP3 translation, longer
>> battery life.  A very high payoff.
>> Jim Kuzdrall
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