Not an answer to the OP, but a follow-on.

So, you've worked out a magnificent one-liner solution to a
interesting and recurring task.  How do you 'remember' your solution?

Do you create a file with scripts and comments?
Do you post it in a wiki?
A blog?
An IDE with snippets?
Do you remember it in your head?

I used to store my good one-liners in Konsole as 'bookmarks' because
you could put anything into a bookmark. Until KDE4. They "improved"
the bookmark system which now only knows telnet:// and ssh:// "URLs".
Konsole even re-writes your bookmarks as you save them by url-encoding
them.  The issue is apparently due to reliance on Kurl - a core class
in KDE, and so "not a problem" with Konsole.

Greg Rundlett

nbpt 978-225-8302
m. 978-764-4424
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