On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Joshua Judson Rosen
<roz...@geekspace.com> wrote:
>>> Don't be afraid to ask (Lf.((Lx.xx) (Lr.f(rr)))).
>>   Okay, I'll ask: What does that stuff to the right mean?
> The other half of the whole habanero pepper. :)

  Clear as mud!  ;-)

> More lucidly: a combinator. ;)

  Ditto!  ;-)

> It's a pun. ... So
> maybe it's a deeper (or worse) joke than I originally intended....

  I'll work on appreciating the finer aspects of the joke when I
understand the basics.  ;-)

>> Some kind of LISP?
> Almost. Did you have any luck googling for it? :)

  Yah, I found your page, along with a while bunch of your signature
in various archives.  ;-)

  And clicking the Google link on your page yields only a handful of
results, some of which are unavailable, none of which seem to explain
things, and one of which is your page again.  ;-)

  From "single-letter name ... phonetically" I eventually decided it
must be "Don't be afraid to ask Y", i.e., "Don't be afraid to ask
why".  That leads me to finding the below in the Wikipedia article,
which at least looks kinda like your sig:

        Y = λf·(λx·f (x x)) (λx·f (x x))

  I'm left thinking of that old meta-joke: "Explaining a joke is like
dissecting a frog: You understand it better, but the frog dies in the
process."  ;-)

  Maybe you should put the whole sig in quotes, so people like me
don't think you're telling us not to be afraid to ask what the stuff
on the right means.  ;-)

-- Ben

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