On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 2:37 PM, Tom Buskey <t...@buskey.name> wrote:
>> Freedom, and low cost, and robustness, and
>> security, and choice, and all that good stuff.
> s/Linux/MacOSX/

  Yes and no.  MacOS X certainly has a number of selling points,
several of which it shares with Linux, others which are unique.  Apple
has done a very nice job with human factors engineering, OS features,
their bundled applications.  Security is pretty good and certainly the
OS itself is robust.

  But low cost?  Freedom?  You never really own a Mac -- you're just
renting it from Steve Jobs.  As someone said to me recently, "There
can be more than one evil empire."

> Well, except MacOSX has specific hardware.

  Indeed, that's a big part of Apple's strategy.  Design the hardware
and the software together, and they'll work well together.  And there
is something to be said for that.

-- Ben
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