I have had a Google Wave account for some time through a company that I
work with.

I have found it almost useless, since it does not interact well with
regular email, and since you have to be online to really use it.

Also, unlike some other Google products that had useful real
functionality even in the never-ending "Beta", Google Wave felt more
like Alpha material, and Alpha material that never really got less
"Alpha" over the six months I tried to use it...while it was in "Limited
preview"...whatever that is.

Even the people in our group that were enthusiastic about Wave and got
the rest of us to sign up for it, still used email to communicate.
Getting them to use wave was like pulling teeth.

I have not seen any forward progress on Wave for a long time.  I think
that Google "Waved Goodbye" to it.

My two cents.


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