>   There is a "Playback" button, which brings up a VCR/web-movie like
> control.  You can step forward through each change/edit made to a
> Wave.  It will highlight text edits with strikeouts and colors.  This
> lets you see the Wave evolve over time.  (It's almost exactly like the
> Greasemonkey script  "Animate Changes" for MediaWiki, except the
> controls actually work most of the time for Google Wave.)  At any
> given step, you can click a button to restore that state.
One issue that I found with the "Playback" button was that as the Wave
got *very large* the controls offered by the "Playback" became awkward.

I have seen other controls on "continuous threads" like video editing,
where there were two levels of controls.  One acted as a "general
locater and magnifier" control, and one acted as the placement inside
that magnified section.

But this is what "Preview" is all about, trying out new things and
giving feedback.

My caution would be (as my little company was doing) treating this
"Preview" as a real product and putting documents into it that we might
need to access some day in the future.

Recently Google decided that "Google Gears", something that had at least
reached "Google Beta Mode" was not work continuing, and they are now
focusing on trying to implement the same functionality using HTML5.


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