> >
> Reading further in this morning's updates it does appear that SCO will
> pursue the IBM case, and there are a few other cases with claims and
> counter claims.  SCO's agreement with its attorneys, Bois Schiller,
> obligate them to the end of the case. While this verdict does remove
> some of the supports from it's IBM case, the underlying issue in the SCO
> vs. IBM is the contract. SCO is claiming that IBM, in violation of its
> contract contributed 3 derivative works, (1) SMP, (2) NUMA (through its
> acquisition of Sequent), and (3) JFS - IBM claims the Linux JFS comes
> from OS/2, not Unix. This actually goes back to the old AT&T Unix
> contracts that had a 'derivative works' clause. IBM also has counter
> claims against SCO.  Additionally, SCO can appeal this verdict, though
> that is unlikely.  I think we will see in a few days what Judge Cahn
> decides to do. While the IBM litigation is the major one, there is still
> a few others under stay including the SUSE vs. SCO arbitration in Europe
> regarding United Linux. I'm sure that IBM and Novell will push their
> motions in the bankruptcy court to force SCO into chapter 7 now with
> Novell clearly holding ownership to the copyrights.
I'd also love to see the Red Hat v SCO trial continue (also stayed due to
the bankruptcy proceedings). Red Hat basically took SCO to task for
slandering Linux and making false claims of infringement, thereby damaging
the good name of Red Hat's flagship product, their Linux distro.

Groklaw has an excellent SCO litigation timeline, showing all the different
major litigation happenings in the SCO saga.

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