>Maybe Cahn with Yarrow's help can resuect them into Caldera again
>bringing with it a new United Linux as well as an inferior, but nicely
>shrink-wrapped Linux :-), but SCO has been full of surprises.

You must mean that "Caldera" has been full of surprises.  "SCO" has been
gone a long time....may it Rest In Peace.

"Caldera" never wanted to do "Linux".  What they wanted was a "cheap
Linux" that was free of royalties and source code restrictions.  Only a
few of them ever really understood "Free Software" in my opinion.  That
is why Caldera kept putting proprietary, closed source packages on top
of it.  It was why they kept pushing for POSIX and SUS compliance while
lots of other distributions did not care.  Caldera wanted to be able to
rename "Linux" as "Unix"....Linus just wanted a kick-ass system that ran
lots of applications.

So as SCO faded, Caldera went in and bought them, so they could take
over the trademark, copyrights and royalties....and a fading channel.

But the trademark belonged to X/Open (now the Open Group), the royalties
were never SCO's and now the copyrights have been proven to belong to
Novell.  Talk about poor "due diligence" in a purchase....

IMHO after what SCO/Caldera has done to Linux, it would take a bearded
guy in long robes who can walk on water to resurrect them again through
a Linux offering.

On the other hand, back in the early days of Linux, it was Doug
Michaels, original President of SCO, that insisted on giving Linus a
"Lifetime Achievement Award" at the tender age of 27.  I took a picture
of that presentation, and even made a T-shirt out of it.  Later Doug
wrote me a letter saying that "SCO had given things to Linux and taken
things from Linux".  I passed on both the picture and the letter to the
IBM lawyers.

I liked Doug Michaels, and I liked his engineers both of whom I had the
pleasure of working with several times.  Spent several nice late
afternoons out on the parking lot overlooking Monterey bay with the SCO
engineers watching the sun set over the waters and drinking a beer
(o.k., several beers).

I dislike what the "New SCO" has done to the Linux community, but I
dislike even more that they sullied the name of Doug's company in doing
it.  They should have stayed with the name "Caldera".


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