Benjamin Scott <> writes:
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Bill McGonigle <> wrote:
> > On 03/29/2010 09:34 PM, Benjamin Scott wrote:
> > > "Yes, this means you'll be a better programmer if you get
> > > a bigger monitor."
> >
> > FWIW, I got a 24" LCD display for this reason, but it turns out to be
> > slightly too large.  I have to turn my neck to see the entire screen.
>   Increase the distance between the screen and your eyes.  HHOS.

Or just relegate the extra, `dead' space to displaying something
that's useful way out in the periphery like that; the only example
that I can offer-up is LavaPS <>,
but maybe there are others by now; I've always loved the whole
`calm computing' idea--maybe now is a good era for it to be revived.

Alternately, find a better use for the margins *and* move back some :)

>   Something which I've long thought should be done but which no
> mainstream OS GUI I've seen does well is increasing screen resolution
> to increase quality of rendering while keeping the human information
> density per inch around the same.  Practial upshot: Fonts and window
> trim and the like rendered at a high DPI to improve their legiability,
> while keeping text and widget sizes big for the many people who have
> poorer eyesight.  I know plenty of people who can't make out anything
> at a resolution much higher than 1024x768.  We've got these huge LCD
> panels and tons of graphics horsepower being used for word processing
> and spreadsheets;

I've found that GNOME and Xorg handle this perfectly well:

I'm writing this using a 145-DPI LCD, with my fonts being specified
as "8 points". They do, in fact, measure ~2.8 mm despite the pixel-density
being 50% higher than normal (and the pixels being 50% smaller).

The raster graphics all over the web, on the other hand--which are almost
all designed with a 96-DPI expectation and published in formats that
don't even make provisions for being *able* to provide that information--
do, of course, end up rendering smaller than their creators intended.
BUT: since the size that their creators intended is often `HUGE!',
it balances :)

Am I missing something?

I remember Windows insisting that `pixels per point' was some fixed ratio,
when I last used it some 10+ years ago... and being infurated by it because
my GNU/Linux machines got it right even back then. I wouldn't be surprised
if Windows still failed at font-sizing (along with Gamma and all sorts of
other things), but I would have at least expected the Macintosh people
to get this right.

> it'd be nice to put that to use making things easier to read.

Yes, it is :)

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."

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