
I am writing an article for the Linux Foundation about the "10 Hot New
OSS Projects", but because I have a warped and twisted view of things in
the world, I know that my ideas* of "Hot, New OSS Projects" may be a lot
different than many other people's ideas.

Plus, I have no idea exactly what they mean by "New" or "Hot".  I will
assume that emacs is not "new", but some project that was started on
March 31st may not have had time to be "Hot" yet.  On the other hand,
not having any real idea of what they mean does give a certain amount of

So I would appreciate it if you would send me *your* ideas of "Hot New
OSS Projects".  You can submit just one or up to ten.  Heck, you can
even submit 20 if you want.

In order for this NOT to devolve into a "yes, I like that too" set of
answers, please send your ideas only to ME, and not to the rest of the
list.  After a few days I will roll them up and send them back out in
one email, then write the article, then send you all a pointer to the

Thanks in advance for your time.

Warmest regards,


*Animated simulations of tightly bound, sexually deprived chipmunks, for

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