Jerry Feldman wrote:
> <snip> 
> I taught C++ at Northeastern and have been employed as a C++ software
> engineer for quite a while. One of the books that I recommend is the
> "C++ How to Program" series by Deitel. Harvey Deitel was supposed to be
> my OS professor when I was working for my MCS degree at BU, but he went
> to BC. His books are, IMHO, very complete, and while the one that I used
> at NEU is aging, I still use it for reference. Another book that I liked
> was the C++ Primer by Lippman and Lajoie, but I don't think it has been
> updated recently.
> The issue with C++ (and other OO languages) is that it is important that
> you think in OO. Template classes in C++ are very powerful as is
> polymorphism. The product I work with is over a million lines of C++,
> and it uses polymorphism very heavily, and it is a true C++ system in
> contrast to some other systems I have worked with that were C compiled
> with C++ and a few classes mixed in.
Thanks for the book recommendations.

/ramble on
Yes, thinking in OO is key.  Mercifully, this list didn't have to listen 
to my struggles with OOP with python.  (Poor PySIG folks did though...)  
I think I have *some* concept of it now.  Actually, I wrote my client 
server FFT app in python using OOP.  I then "translated" the python 
server to a C++ server. 

The issue with C++, as I see it, is that one has to deal not only with 
the OOP part which is not easy, but the C/C++ syntax.  Compared to 
python, for instance, C syntax is pretty ugly.  Learning OOP in python 
first and applying it to C++ worked for me.  Originally, when I looked 
at C++ BP (before python) I was overwhelmed at the 'density' of the 
language and wondered if I *ever* would be able to learn it.  Now that I 
have some concept of OOP it does not seem as daunting. 

The original reason I was groaning about C++ was that there is a minimum 
proficiency required to be productive.  That required proficiency, from 
my perspective, appears to be significantly higher for C++ than say for 
C, or python.  For better or worse, the required expertise is higher.

I can't be expert at everything, although I'd like to be.  I'm not 
trying to validate an algorithm - I've already simulated everything in 
python/numpy to my satisfaction.  I *just* need to port this algorithm 
to an embedded platform.  It appears that many embedded platforms (at my 
price point) don't have sophisticated mathematical libraries readily 

So as you can see, I've been trying to learn other libraries so I can 
use them as the building blocks to implement my algorithm.  Hopefully 
OpenCV will work.

Hmm, just found the OpenCV Yahoo Groups.  As of OpenCV 2.0 they now use 
LAPACK!  (My level of trust of OpenCV went up.)  Jeesh, I must not have 
built LAPACK right...
/ramble off
Looks like more C++ in my future...

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