Michael ODonnell wrote:
>> <bruce.lab...@myfairpoint.net> wrote:
>>> OpenCV appears to require a good C++ background,
>>> which I don't have now. ... Any advice?
>> Tell your employer you need some C++ training in order to do your
>> job effectively.
>> Or if you're afraid they'll terminate you and hire someone else,
>> seek learning on your own time and dime.
> Let me stress that the only familiarity I have with OpenCV is what
> I gained just now when I spent approx three minutes glancing at this:
>    http://www.cs.iit.edu/~agam/cs512/lect-notes/opencv-intro/index.html
> ...but based on that exhaustive analysis and on your postings on this
> channel I'd have to say that you should charge boldly forward because
> OpenCV does not seem like a very challenging or esoteric example of C++.
> It looks to me like the hardest part of OpenCV would be the matrix math
> concepts (independent of programming language) and if you're comfortable
> with that then OpenCV would mostly feel like plain old C to you.
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Yes, that is the extent of my analysis to date also :)  Same website.  
I'd like to know the under pinnings of the OpenCV matrix math routines.  
I strongly suspect it is just ATLAS/BLAS and LAPACK, the same blasted 
packages that I have not been able to figure out on my own!  It 
irritates the heck out of me!!!  Especially when others have apparently 
figured it out.

The matrix math is not hard for me now (you should have asked me 2 
months ago, I hadn't looked at that stuff in over 20, umm, no, 30 
years!).  It appears that OpenCV "could" work.  But, it looked like 
CLAPACK was the answer to my dreams too.

I'm wary of undertaking the OpenCV learning curve, and finding a dead 
end.  (But if one does the same thing one always does, then nothing will 
change...)  So I guess I'm off on another adventure.  I'm so close to 
getting this stuff off the ground, I can almost taste it. 

I can only hope the taste of 'victory' will be sweet enough to erase the 
memory of the stench of the trenches.

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