Ted Roche writes:

> Oh, a reminder: a fellow GNHLUGer told a tale not too long ago about
> testing ssh changes: always keep an exiting connection open when
> you're making changes. This way, when you lock yourself out of making
> new connections with the changes, you can use your old connection to
> reverse the changes. A good lesson learned. By someone else!

I usually test out sshd/firewall changes by employing the following
two schemes:

1:  as a quick test, I run "sshd -e -d -p 1234", where "1234" is the
number of some temporary, unused port.  Then I "ssh -p 1234" from some
other machine to test the config changes.

2:  when I test out firewall (iptables) rules, I generally check once,
check again, and then I test by typing this:

  /etc/init.d/iptables restart ; sleep 600 ; /etc/init.d/iptables stop

During the five minutes that my new rules are in effect, I test.
However, in the event that something goes haywire, I know that in five
minutes I will have access again.

Seriously, by combining these two practices, I have kept myself out of
some very tough situations....


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 Wipe him down with gasoline 'til his arms are hard and mean
 From now on boys this iron boat's your home
 So heave away, boys.
   -- Tom Waits

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