On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Benjamin Scott <dragonh...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:43 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen
> <roz...@geekspace.com> wrote:
> > (Oh, and: is there a better shorthand than "PMP"? I keep reading
> > "android pimps", and it just... doesn't sit right...)
>   PIMEED.[1]
> -- Ben
> [1] Portable Individual Media Experience Enablement Device.  Now
> available with Genuine People Personalities!  Only from Sirius
> Cybernetics Corporation!
MID - Mobile Internet Device.  See SmartQ, CrunchTablet, even the Archos

PMP is a Portable Music Player.  Most MIDs can do music.

If the Palm PDAs had WiFi, they'd qualify as MIDs.  They may not have had
the functionality of today's Android devices, but they got the price point.
I'm not sure I'll ever buy a $400 tablet.
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