You can see if some other geek wants your junk^H^H^H^Hhigh quality SGI
system :-) and Craiglist might find people that are interested.

To be fair, most of us geeks use stuff beyond the cycle.  I don't think many
on Craiglist would be interested in an SGI and I'd fear I'd get far too many
questions about installing Office.

Depending on the equipment, eBay.  I think if I offered the SGI for $0 +
shipping, I wouldn't get offers :-(

If you buy a computer from Apple, you can get a coupon to ship a monitor and
cpu to their recycling for free.

I'm looking for places too.

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:59 AM, kenta <> wrote:

> Along the lines getting rid of old hardware from the New Years
> Cleaning thread I've been doing some cleaning as well.
> What I'm trying to find is a recycler, preferably free of charge, that
> will take this legacy hardware (read: junk) off my hands.  I know that
> some companies have recycling days but I didn't see any posted around
> my area (Nashua, NH).  So far I have found:
> - Small Dog Electronics: Website says they'll take stuff for 35 cents
> a pound (I should have taken advantage of their recycling day!).
> - Best Buy: They have some kind of recycling program, but I don't know
> how they react when I show up with a box of hard drives and a box of
> ISA cards and mother boards. The info on their website seems geared
> towards small consumer electronics.
> - Nashua City landfill: Again, electronics seems to be geared towards
> PC's and small electronics. Their site says: "Electronics - computer
> monitors & components, printers, televisions, VCRs, DVD players,
> microwaves, etc. The first two per year are free.  Additional items
> will be charged at $5 per item"  Maybe I should find two old cases and
> fill every bay and every slot with drives and cards ;)
> Anyone know of other places to check?
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