On 04/24/2011 07:06 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen wrote:
> Mark Komarinski<mkomarin...@wayga.org>  writes:
> Off-topic? Well, you can use them with Linux, right? ;)

Well, I'm straying from "Hey, here's a cool use of Linux" to "Why 
bother?" :)

> It's really interesting that you're raising Squeezebox, because
> that was what I'd initially looked at--and then discarded the idea...:
>> Newer models have integrated speakers and can sync between players
>> so you have the same music in all rooms.
> Wait--"sync" meaning what, exactly? Play the same song?
> Synchronise control (play/pause/seek simultaneously in all rooms)?
> Match latency between all rooms? Something else?

Play the same stream.  I'm pretty sure this means controlling one 
squeezebox changes all of them that are synced.

> As I understood it, Squeezebox is basically an entirely different animal,
> operating (mainly? only?) on a unicast `pull' model; nothing I've been
> able to find in their marketing-material says otherwise (at least,
> not in any obvious way); so I figured that simultaneous, multi-device
> playback on Squeezeboxes would end up being hokey at best..., and
> there's no mention of whether they do any of the other stuff
> (listed above) that's in my list of requirements.

It's more pull.  If you want exact synchronization, this may not be what 
you want.  For wandering around the house and getting a slight echo it 
was fine for me.  I actually don't use it much given we have a 
relatively small house.

>> The server software is open source and there's clients for iOS and
>> Android along with an open web API for remote control.  They're a
>> bit more expensive than Plug systems, but for me it's worth the
>> extra cost (and Logitech sometimes has sales on refurb items).
> So, my perception was actually that the Squeezeboxen were more expensive
> `but' also *worse* than my plug-based solution, in the ways described above
> (i.e.: `not a good simulation of speaker-wire'); was I mistaken?

For your requirements, it is probably worse.  Then again, you can grab 
the server software, install it, and then drop in some softsqueeze java 
clients.  It won't be exact, but you'll be able to test the functionality.

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