I'm not *positive* this is a comment on the Unix philosophy... but, if
not, I can't think of what else it would be.  I like comics.  I read a
handful of them with regularity.  One of these, you'll be shocked to hear,
is Dilbert.  Usually, I get my comic fix over at Yahoo, but, sometimes,
some strips seem to fail to sync from their original sources; this week,
that was Dilbert.  I'd always kind of hated the "real" Dilbert page,
though: it's full of ads, and all sorts of other stuff, when all I really
want is the damn comic, and a means to navigate to previous strips.

Today, I noticed a link near the bottom of the page: "Unix/Linux". 
Thinking that this might be Unix/Linux-themed strips, I clicked on it. 
And was presented with today's strip.  Looking at it, I thought to myself,
"How does this relate to Unix/Linux?"  Then I realized that the URL
pointed to by the link was "http://www.dilbert.com/fast/";, and that the
page was stripped down to navigation of past strips, and the most
rudimentary of advertising.

Some days, I enjoy Scott Adams more than usual.


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