On 04/12/2012 03:31 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen wrote:
> I know people who enjoyed their dealings with System76, also:
>     http://www.system76.com/

I'm one of those people -- writing this on one of their laptops. I also
own a netbook.

The laptop has been good. No major complaints. It's heavy and drains
batteries fast, which is to be expected since it's got a big screen and
I didn't buy it with the upgraded battery. (The upgraded battery doesn't
appear to be an option on their latest offering. I purchased about 2
years ago.) For me it fills the role of a desktop, but with the
advantage of portability. Probably my biggest complaint is typing on the
keyboard: the mouse pad is positioned so that my right thumb often
brushes the pad while I'm typing, which moves the cursor to some random
location in the text. Moving the pad about 0.75" left would solve this
problem. Most of the time, though, I'm "docked" and using a separate
keyboard/mouse/monitor so it isn't an issue.

The netbook is just ok. It's small, light, and has good battery life.
I'd hope it's fixed by now (purchased 3 years ago), but the big problem
with this is that the wifi driver has never worked reliably. It was
reported "fixed" at one point when system76 released new drivers, but I
still frequently had trouble and now I just rely on a USB wifi (i.e.
awkward big wart hanging off the side). A netbook where the wifi doesn't
work is kind of pointless.
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