On 06/17/2012 12:13 AM, Joshua Judson Rosen wrote:
> What I will say, and maybe people will notice something in the phrasing...,
> is that you're all welcome to sign up on identi.ca,
> and follow me on status.hackerposse.com.

Thanks for the phrasing of that pointer. It looks like it has support 
for private groups. Is it something like what I've seen google's 
"circles" described as? (I don't use google's social thing.)

Is there support built-in for posting photos? Or would that require some 
add-on app/service?

I used facebook for a while but deleted my profile. (Some key friends 
have also deleted profiles, so the utility that *was* there has fallen 
way off.) I liked the ability to see pix of friends' kids and stuff like 
that. Didn't like the games & spammy stuff.

I'd like a way to share photos, an occasional short video, and status-y 
kind of stuff.

That's all easy enough for *me* to do, but:

(A) I don't want to post everything publicly.
(B) I don't want to have to create accounts for friends & family to be 
able to see stuff behind a privacy wall. (E.g. private posts in 
WordPress) Partly because it's a hassle for me. Partly because it's a 
hassle for them, and certain friends & family are unlikely to use it, or 
will bug me to remind them how to log in every time something new is posted.
(C) I'd ideally like a platform that allows posting by multiple users, 
with the same administrative constraints mentioned in (B).

(PS status.hackerposse.com's git is 403)
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