> I've thought about this problem during my commute for a week
> now, and I haven't been able to come up with a simple solution
> that satisfies the constraints.

It's an interesting puzzle.  You mention constraints but we
don't really have a clear "problem statement".

> [...]  the problem could be solved simply with a small
> temporary file that parent+child agreed to use.  A robust,
> simple implementation could probably be put together in no more
> than 10 minutes.  I'm a big fan of "simple".

Me, too, though communicating results from the interactive process
back to the parent process (the one desiring User input) may only
be part of the puzzle.  If we hope to provide a flexible solution
we should allow for the possibility that no TTY style interaction
may be possible.  Does the parent have its std{in,out,err}
connected to something suitable for interactive use, or indeed
to anything?  Maybe it's a daemon or something launched from cron.
An X-based solution could still work in such circumstances; it
might even be preferable in some ways as it would likely leave
std{in,out,err} free for communications with the parent.

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