On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Tom Buskey <t...@buskey.name> wrote:

> Back in the day, running telnet inside emacs was faster than in xterm
> because of emacs' terminal optimization.  Important when you shared a 56k
> link.  Or 2400 baud modems.
> Honestly, I'm at the point I just want low ram use, scroll back lots of
> lines, emulate vt100 with line drawing and increase/shrink font size
> quickly.  Oh, and installed on all the Unixen I use.
> Low RAM use?  Then you want emacs.  No matter how many terminals you need
you only need one emacs.  And you don't have to start any of those pesky
vim instances either - you get file editing for free!!!

Or are we talking PDP-11/20 class low RAM use?

(Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)
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