I'm trying to su to a user on a CentOS 6.4 x86_64 box and get the
error in the subject:

[user1@cent6.4box ~]$ sudo su - user2
su: cannot set user id: Resource temporarily unavailable
[user1@cent6.4box ~]$

The limits.conf file has the following entries:
*                                         soft   nofile          100000
*                                         hard   nofile          100000
*                                         soft   nproc           8192
*                                         hard   nproc           32767

The current usage for pengine is:
[user1@cent6.4box ~]$ ps -eLF | grep user2 | wc -l
[user1@cent6.4box ~]$ lsof | grep user2  | wc -l
[user1@cent6.4box ~]$

While these are the majority of the processes and files in use on the
system, they are nowhere near the limits.

I even increased the limits 10-fold and that has not worked.

I'm kind of lost here.  Usually the error indicates files or processes
over the limit but here... not so much.

Any ideas?

Brian Chabot
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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