On 10/30/2014 08:24 AM, David Rysdam wrote:
> Tom Buskey <t...@buskey.name> writes:
>> I'd look at Selenium <http://www.seleniumhq.org/>.  I heard about it from
>> our QA guys for automation.
> It's cool, but not really what I want. I'm not automating this because I
> care how a particular browser works. I'm automating it because I want it
> automated. I don't need or even want a GUI. I want to run it as a cron
> job and email myself a result when there is one.
> I had this problem with htmlunit too. It wanted to fire up a browser
> GUI. No, bad tool!

I'm pretty sure that you can run Selenium headless.  I don't know much
about the details, but I know that part of the functional and
integration test suite we run at $DayJob is using selenium to test a
javascript driven web site, without having to pop up a browser...

Cole Tuininga
Lead Developer
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