On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 1:53 PM, David Rysdam <da...@rysdam.org> wrote:
> I've been assuming that "embedded" meant some significant subset of the
> following properties:
>     1) realtime
>     2) re-entrant/parallel/interrupt-driven
>     3) specialty hardware
>     4) specialty OS (if there's an OS there at all)

  "embedded" has always been a loosely-defined term.  It means
different things to different people.  The above four items are rather
more specific, although "specialty" is still squirrelly.

  At $WORK, we have "embedded" systems which are basically commodity
PCs running vanilla Microsoft Windows, using a USB cable to plug into
a $100,000 CNC machine.  Other than that USB peripheral, there's no
specialty hardware involved.  ;-)

  When looking at want ads/etc., don't assume your experience isn't
useful.  Hiring entities rarely find people who are the exact ideal
candidate, and are often more than happy to get a smart person who can
learn what they don't already know.

> If it's just a regular PC running in a kiosk, that's
> completely different than what I was picturing.

  Could be.

  Could be a car nav/media system, which isn't far removed from a PC
these days.  May lack Internet, uses a touchscreen instead of hard
keyboard/mouse, reboots a lot, but otherwise will be similar to a home
Linux PC, or at least an Android phone.

  Could be an instrument controller, where your job will be to provide
a Linux environment to run the instrument software, or maybe write
software to take data from a driver and draw pretty pictures with it.

  Could be a vending machine which some PHB want to have a web
interface on.  Hey, it's their money.

  None of these are the traditional bitty-boxes that you're thinking
of.  They're running the latest ARM CPUs, plenty of RAM and HDD, an
Ethernet interface and IP stack, and a Linux OS that's only slightly
tailored to the platform.  They might even run an X implementation for
the UI.

-- Ben
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