On 3/6/21 9:17 PM, Curt Howland wrote:
> On Saturday 06 March 2021, Ben Scott was heard to say:
>> Even that's not enough, because the stupid humans keep changing
>> what the time zones mean.
> With GMT as the standard time stamp, one can at least know relative
> times of files, even if one does not know such real-world details.
> I've gotten into a couple of heated arguments for/against the idea of
> using GMT for everything, and then adapting what time things happen
> to local conditions. The reactions to that idea have been
> fascinating. Much like the arguments about Daylight Saving.
> I mean, how silly can one be to object to it being dark when you wake
> up, and then demanding that everyone else change the time on their
> clocks so it's light at 7am the way you want it to be?

Isn't that pretty much exactly the _opposite_ of what DST does?

Every Spring, I get delighted that the sun is finally rising early enough
to make it easy to get up at what's supposed to be `a reasonable time' in the 
and I then DST comes in and makes the sun not rise for another hour.
Ha-ha! Early April Fools'! Another month of dark mornings!

And then all of the news channels are flooded with people opining about
how much `better' it would be `if we just had DST all year' because
all they care about is having daylight-fun hours at the _tail end of the day_,
because..., I don't know--they're all unemployed? Or by the end of the day
they've forgotten how hard it was to get out of the bed and be useful
that morning? And I guess by the time *spring* rolls in they've forgot
that `winter' even was ever a thing....

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