On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 20:02:37 -0500
Jon maddog Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I must not be getting all my "gnhlug-org" email (and yes, I checked my SPAM
> catcher), because I do not know what "two thoughtful postings" there were
> late yesterday that had essentially no response.
> I saw Dave Marston's, and I responded with a "yup, I agree", and there was
> mine,

You and Dave had the thoughtful comments and not sure there was anything else.  I go 
by an imperfect memory most of the time.

> "Some of you" (I don't know who, but I assume that it is Ed, Rob and a couple
> more) are going to meet at the Central LUG meeting Monday. 

This was a last minute, hit or miss idea that was floated about.  Maybe we should try 
to come up with a date when everyone is in town so to speak in March and chat over 
favorite beverages.


> What I mean is that if Ed wants to do schools, and Rob wants to do libraries,
> then it would be better if they got together and did the "Library and School
> project", so as not to dilute the rare and scarce resources that we have.

I think at this stage, it is just as well to have people focus on something that 
excites them.  I was just trying to do something for a specific workshop that NHSTE 
has  scheduled.  Not a project as such.  Beyond that, I think I will work on a library 
like project and try to help Berube with Centralug.
> I have other thoughts.....like:

> Have a field trip down to USELINUX (a part of USENIX), and have a "LUG day"
> down there

Excellent idea that could help get disparate people together for a day.

>kidnap the
> USENIX Linux speakers and take them out on a boat.

Take them out to the prison/fort island in the harbor and not let them back till they 

What I would like to see and  what I will advocate for Centralug is a talk on using 
the Twiki and the Nuke sites, one on the basics of how to program, and encouraging 
folks to talk about an app or technique or something that interests them.

At this point it almost seems like  getting the  local lugs working well might be he 
easiest way to build a better and stronger GNHLUG.  I think  that is how and why the 
Monadlug became a dynamic engine for change and growth in GNHLUG.  So that is where my 
limited time and energy is more likely to be spent.

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

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