Ted Roche wrote:

I just got a question from one of the DLSLUG members on whether the GNHLUG TWiki had an RSS feed. I know I've turned on the RSS on the TWiki (an older version) I used for the NHTI CTBD LAMP courses we taught, but I haven't seen a link for the same on the GNHLUG TWiki. Anyone know if the software is installed to do that?

Not for the version of TWiki that's running on the GNHLUG site (1 Dec 2001). We'd have to upgrade to a more recent version (the latest?) and then install the RSS plugin.

In the older version I have run, you can uses the URL terminated in "WebRss?skin=rss" to get an RSS/XML feed returned. Attempting that on the GNHLUG site takes me to the "Create new topic?" page.

I'm afraid the GNHLUG site is even older than yours Ted!

My questions:

1. Anyone object to enabling the RSS feed on the TWiki?
2. Had anyone done this and have words of wisdom to share?
3. Is anyone willing to step forward to volunteer to try it?

I might be willing to give it a go, but my time is at a premium at the moment, so it could be a while before I get around to it.

I had problems upgrading the last time I tried (you'll see the pieces in the /home/gnhlug.org directory tree), but I have been able to upgrade other sites since then, so the TWiki community may have fixed the problems.

I'm willing to try again, but it'll be several weeks before I can get to it. Ted: If you or Ben Scott want to give it a try before then, please be my guest - I believe you two have the necessary ssh access and permissions.

PS: I'm sending this to the -org list because other people there may have more to say.

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