
Not quite. Actually, I've been very public in speaking to people at the LUGs about it - and, for that matter, to anyone that could listen, including a number of other nonprofits in New Hampshire. The reaction has been very positive, both from GNHLUG members and others. If I've been keeping secrets, I've been doing a terrible job.

Take it easy,


David Berube
Chairman, GNHLUG

Benjamin Scott wrote:

[My apologies if you receive this twice. My mailer burped on the first attempt and I'm not sure if it went through or not.]

   *** NOTE: I've added the -org list to the recipients.  ***

My primary concern with all of this is that it has occurred largely in private. Sure, we haven't tried to exclude anyone who wanted to participate, but we haven't exactly tried to broadcast our doings, either.

Case in point: This discussion. The major point of concern appears to be that we don't want "the membership" to see us as an elite inner circle trying to take control. Yet this discussion is happening via private email. Not on any list. Not on any website.

   We're doing exactly what we're afraid others will think we will do.

What has happened (by accident, really) is that about a dozen people have gotten together and said, in effect, "We should make GNHLUG more official." I include myself in this group. Most of us met in person at Bruce Dawson's place in August of 2005. Some discussions have continued "offline" since then. We are now proposing submitting a list of bylaws to "the membership" for "approval".

Now, put yourself in Joe User's shoes. Joe has been lurking on the discuss list, maybe even posting on occasion. Joe drops by one of the local meetings occasionally, too. But Joe doesn't really care much about "being a part of it all", so has ignored all the noise about the -org list and such. Now we come along and say, "Okay, everyone, here's the new Constitution, sign here, please." What's Joe gonna think? I wouldn't blame Joe for seeing this as a "power grab" and us as "the cabal".

So before we submit a set of bylaws for approval, I think we should first poll *EVERYONE* for their feelings on this. I realize it is hard to have a vote when we don't have a formal existence, but we can do more then what we have.

Suggestion #1: Electronic discussions involving organizational matters should always happen on the -org list. No ifs, ands, or buts. Whether it is a motion to incorporate, an idea for a project, a status report, or a misspelling that needs correcting, it should be on the list. If you want to sent "To" one person and "Cc" the list, that's fine, but include everyone. Ideally, *all* such discussions would be repeated to the -org list, but there are technical and resource issues that make that a lot harder. But if we're already tossing electrons around, the cost to do it on the list is near-zero.

Suggestion #2: Tell everyone what we're doing. Briefly explain the rationale ("Why are we doing this?") and what it would entail (bylaws, officers, any fees, etc.). Be sure to explain the power structure. Give a pointer to our website for those who want details. And take a vote on whether people are "in favor", "opposed", "indifferent", or "unsure". Do this both at all the local meatspace meetings, at the quarterly/state-wide/big meeting, *AND* on the discuss list. (Maybe we can setup a web-based voting form for that.) This will tell us what people actually want. And that's what this is all about, right?

   Objections?  Suggestions?  Comments?  Agreement?  Condemnation?

For the record: (1) Personally, I'm actually in favor of formal incorporation, provided we "do it right". (2) I don't think anyone here is actually trying to "grab power", but I am very worried that others might think that.

-- Ben "Of the people, by the people, for the people" Scott


David Berube
Berube Consulting

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