On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 23:50:29 -0400 (EDT)
Benjamin Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>     For the record: (1) Personally, I'm actually in favor of formal 
> incorporation, provided we "do it right".  (2) I don't think anyone here is 
> actually trying to "grab power", but I am very worried that others might 
> think 
> that.

I'm in favor too.  I offered to sign when papers were going to be available
"real soon now" a year or so ago.  I still think it's a good idea.

But there IS a potential for backlash.  Ben's right about "Joe's" reaction.
And not just because of an impression of "grab power", which would be an
extreme case.   Much milder, and so much more likely that's we might as well
count on it, is the the natural human aversion to change.  It only takes one
"Joe" to start a flamewar.  It doesn't have to be an appearance of a "grab
for power" that bothers him.  Heck, he just may have an aversion to emacs,
er I mean a constitution, er I mean...   any change at all.

OK, then, backlash isn't a potential.  It's a certainty.  So the grownup 
questions are "how do we manage it?" and "how do we prevent a GNHLUG flamewar?".


P.S.  Nicely written piece, Ben.  Thank you very much for taking the time.
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