Ben Scott wrote:
On 10/13/06, Home <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Might this have happened when Jerry Kubeck was active?  I think this is
after that, but a thought.

 Oct 2000 would have been around the time Jerry was active.  We did
actually sign some paperwork, but the story was it was never
submitted.  But these are different names anyway.

The names on the annual reports are likely not the names of those who signed the form to create the entity and the original form is not available online I think. If the original form contains the names of "strangers", then it is odd indeed.

 The piano tuner is not Peter Wells.  That's Charlie F.

Yes, now I remember.

Jerry was a doer and wanted to get things on a solid foundation, so he may have had something signed and formed. Remember that the group in Peterborough was running along independently as I remember and then became more associated with GNHLUG and became an organizational center for awhile when Gary and Jerry where most active.

Hard to believe anyone would go to this much trouble and have no link to GNHLUG. Of course, the world is a strange place.

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

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