On Sun, 2007-03-04 at 22:42 -0500, Ben Scott wrote:
> On 3/4/07, Jon 'maddog' Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That the machine meets minimum hardware requirements ....
>   Which are?  (In other words, I'd like the form to link to said
> requirements.  I'm happy to key them into a webpage somewhere, but
> need to know what they are in order to key them.  :)  I checked my
> mail archives, but couldn't find anything definitive...)

That is because they have not been created yet.  Some people on the
mailing list like to be told what will happen, then be told what is
happening, then be told what has happened.  This was the first step of
that pattern.  The fact that you stepped forth and said:

"I'm happy to key them into a webpage somewhere..."

was the anticipated, and much appreciated, response.

> > Will someone on the .org list volunteer to do the web work of creating
> > the input forms and "database" for this last bullet?
> What kind of database do we want?  If our requirements are small --
> and I believe they are --  we can probably just have the form
> submission email the entries to the person coordinating attendance.
> Crude, but effective.
>   I'll have a rough draft of the form up in a few minutes...

Why don't you wait for a bit until we determine what the requirements of
the database, and therefore of the form, are?

I would anticipate the standard:



Type of input: [Choice of OTA, Cable]
If Cable, who is Cable company: [Choice of several area Cable Companies]

There is probably more, but I am really tired tonight.

But thanks for raising your hand.


> -- Ben
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