> > Done. Thanks. This is definitely confusing. The page on TWiki's website helps a little at explaining it a bit better, and there are some user comments that are "tutorials".
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/TWikiForms If I'm understanding it right, the goal of TWiki form templates, is to create ways to enter formatted text onto a TWiki page (as opposed to the freefrom edit box you get when you normally edit a TWiki topic). I tried clicking the "Add Form" on the BBQ page and adding the BBQSignUp form. When that was saved, and you edited the BBQ page, you had the normal freeform box plus a "form" to fill out for the page. This doesn't seem to let you add multiple values.... If I'm understanding it correctly, you would create a form template (basically to format your text). Then you would create template pages to get created, that use this form template. And then you can create a topic with an HTML form, that will submit values to spawn a TWiki template page (that contains the form template, storing it's data in TWikiMetaData). I'm not sure I understand that correctly, and it seems like a helluva lotta work just to have a signup page. It might be a lot simpler to write a simple php webform that writes to a text file, and then maybe get TWiki to include that file into a TWiki table. -Shawn _______________________________________________ gnhlug-org mailing list gnhlug-org@mail.gnhlug.org http://mail.gnhlug.org/mailman/listinfo/gnhlug-org/