Ben Scott wrote:
>   IMO: Send to -discuss, or maybe not at all.  It's not Linux or FOSS
> or GNHLUG or particularly NH.  We're not obligated to forward
> everything that comes to our inbox.

Yep, that seems to be the consensus.

>   Full Disclosure: My reaction to reading the message is something
> along the lines of "It sounds a bunch of pointy-haired suits listening
> to Yet Another speaker promising to solve all their problems by
> following a checklist, when the real problem is that you can't fix
> stupid."

The audience of SwaNH is a different crowd. There are a number of 
business leaders, marketing people, mid- to large-corporate types, etc. 
They actually hear something in some of these presentations that can 
make them go on and have a success, despite that most of the 
presentation will sound like nonsense to an average person. Years ago, 
at one of the nadirs of my career, I listened to a "motivational 
speaker" at a meeting I attended and, whether it was something he said 
or just my allergic reaction to his nonsense, I went on to found a 
fairly successful company in a much different direction than I had been 
intending. Stuff happens *shrug*.

In this case, I think the Venn diagram of "what SwaNH covers" and "what 
GNHLUG is about" doesn't intersect, so we can pass. But it is not an 
absolute rule; when they do have meetings more "techie" and of interest 
to our members, I encourage anyone hearing of them to post info.

Thanks, all, for your thoughts.


Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
gnhlug-org mailing list

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