On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Ted Roche <tedro...@tedroche.com> wrote:
> I've been contacted by Joey Pomerenke or PremiumMemory.com offering to
> sponsor GNHLUG. Sponsorship would consist of providing giveaways at the
> meetings (flash drives), a discount code available for our user group
> members, in exchange for posting a sponsorship link on our web site.
> GNHLUG has a Limited Commercialization Policy:
> http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/view/Organizational/LimitedCommercializationPolicy
> Comments?
Overall, I don't see it as a bad thing, or as a slippery slope
assuming that they're willing to restrain the splash given on the site
to the Thanks page.  GNHLUG does it MV Communications, right?  Okay,
so they provide only a couple of cubic feet of space, and a whole
bunch of electrons.  And even if the sticks ~are~ under 1G and old
stock...  that's at least one bootable rescue-stick that I wouldn't
have had before :)

...  always assuming I remember it's the Third-Thursday before the
Fourth-Thursday rolls around...
~ *
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