>so you just learned something very valuable, that Linux needs
>to be rebooted too to clead up after it's self.  despite what
>you may hear it needs it more often than you think, especaily
>if it is doig something other than just sitting there.

Nasal congestion?     ( "By allergies are killig be!" )    ;->

Golly, my Linux boxes have all been running for over 3 months
doing firewall, DNS, SSH, compilation, X, Netscape, etc, etc,
etc...  See, the big difference between Linux and anything from
M$ is that, if your Linux box needs frequent rebooting to keep
it working the way you want it to, then we regard that as being
B-R-O-K-E-N and in need of repair.  Contrast that world-view
with the one required to tolerate software from M$ : frequent
rebooting is N-O-R-M-A-L and you should just Get Used To It...

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