In a message dated: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 15:54:02 EST
Derek Martin said:

>> No, that's not what I'm talking about.  The 'Options FollowSymLinks' does 
>> allow me to follow the symlink, but only of the directory permissions are at
>> least r-x for world!  Because this directory is NFS mounted all over the 
>> network, I have the permissions set to 770.  Accessing this directory from 
>> Netscape does not allow for Unix permission checking, especially since the 
>> httpd server is running as user 'nobody' and not in the correct group!
>I think you need to make sure the user the web server is running as is in
>the group that owns the directory...

If I were going to do that, then I may as well just open up the world read 
priviledges on the directory!

    Doing something stupid always costs less (up front) than doing
                        something intelligent.
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