Got the info in a private e-mail, thanks to everyone.  Reminder to self:  when
in doubt on config, check /etc.  Now have GTK-transcript up, testing on making
databases against postgreSQL.

jeff smith
ps:  once more, the power of the net comes out.
pps:  vi is your friend.

Matt Herbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/18/2000 09:30:50 AM

 To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jeffry Smith/CORP/HPHC@HPHC     
 Subject: Re: Library Management                              

> How do I tell the system to use /usr/local/lib
> as well as /usr/local?  I know it is probably a simple config issue, but I
> figure it out, and my reference books are all at home.

You can put /usr/local/lib into your /etc/ file and then run ldconfig.


Matthew W. Herbert   x75764
Spectrum Advanced Applications

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