On Wed, 17 May 2000, Derek Martin wrote:

> > I currently run mostly dual-boot systems with Mandrake7/Win98... I've
> > also got a DOS/Minix laptop, and a Mandrake7 box running as a
> > server... I've done Slack (3.x I think) on a Winbook, SuSE on a few
> > boxen, and played on FreeBSD.
> I can honestly say you're the first person I've EVER run into that I'm
> aware of that actually runs Minix. I don't know if that's a good thing or
> a bad thing... :)

Good: That I got it to work.
Bad: That i still use a 386sx-16 monochrome laptop w/ 2 MB RAM & 8MB 
HDD when I have a K6-2-450 as well.....

> > (I work in the NOC at Ziplink)
> I interviewed there about 3 years ago for a junior admin position.  
> Looked like a really cool place to work and learn stuff, but the pay they
> were offering me wasn't very good. They wanted to pay me less than I was
> making at UPS as an intern (admittedly I had no professional Unix
> experience at the time, and my internship paid remarkably well as
> internships go).

Sounds about right.  But since we IPO'd last fall, I think the pay scale
has iproved a bit.  I *think*.  Keep in mind I went to college for
management and have only been "officially" working with computers of any
sort for less than a year and a half... so I have no clue whar an
average salary is for what job... I only know that my roommate (who was
my boss at my last job) and I make about the same hourly... for the same
job (and he has about 2 years more experience than I do...)

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