I haven't really played with GRUB, but I recently muddled through some boot
problems after I installed Caldera (first mistake) and used COAS to change the
boot details (second mistake).  The result was exactly the LILO behavior you
observed, LI then wipeout.  I found an explanation that said the LI indicated
the first stage boot loader ran ok but had problems getting to the second stage,
perhaps because of the BIOS cylinder number limitation, or that something moved
and LILO didn't get the address map rewritten properly.  I never identified
which glitch COAS tossed at me, I just hacked away until I got LILO working.

In the process I found some references to GRUB which suggested that it was
becoming the boot loader of choice, at least for Caldera, partly because it
circumvents that nasty BIOS cylinder number limitation.  I wondered if some of
Caldera's problems were that they were trying to transition from LILO to GRUB
and managed to screw things up in the process.  Anyway, it made me think I
should take a look at GRUB, but didn't set high expectations (although in
fairness that may be Caldera, they've been consistent on that point in my
experience with two different releases now).

Of course, it figures that rather than simply enhancing the LILO boot-sector
setup code to detect and warn about the 1024 cylinder limitation the elegant
engineering solution is to redesign and rewrite the entire program into
something much slicker that may just cause other problems!

I'd be interested in hearing other experiences with GRUB, if I get into playing
with it more myself I'll try to remember to share any noteworthy good or bad

--Bruce McCulley

Randy Edwards wrote:

>    [...Lilo stuff snipped...]
>    On another topic, has anyone played with the GRUB, the GRand Unified
> Bootloader?  It's a quite nice LILO-like program which seems very, very
> flexible.  Playing with this and floppies is pretty neat...
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