Hi Tom, I am happy to provide the disks you ask for. I am not the one however who has teh capacity to assist with the software, however I am going to post this to the group as several of them live in the Concord area. Lets see how we can help you folks. I will work out someway to get the disks to you as quickly as possible. Jerry >Jerry, > >I talked to Concord Christian School and they would sure like to get a free >copy of the Turbo Linux Server and workstation. > >I got a clean load of Turbo Linux the first time through. My knowledge of >unix/linux is really hampering me. I got Samba working and can see the >linux computer from my NT machine but don't have the rights to look at >anything. > >Care to volunteer any of your time for the Office of Emergency management? > >Tom Laurie >Systems Manager >223-3617 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry Kubeck Customer Support Appropriate Solutions, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.AppropriateSolutions.com ********************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following text in the *body* (*not* the subject line) of the letter: unsubscribe gnhlug **********************************************************